
Horizon Forbidden West Bass Skin

Alysha Group 6 - Citarum River

Citarum, Kalimantan

Citarum River in West Java and the entire isle of Kalimantan are among the earth'southward ten well-nigh polluted places alongside Chernobyl in Ukraine. The river made it to the list considering of industrial waste and chemical pollution. As the river is polluted, it is hard for residents who reside forth the river to get food and beverage. The polluted river is so polluted that fishes in the water cannot breathe and somewhen die due to the farthermost pollution. Thus, fishes die and bladder on the surface of the river. Information technology is easier for fisherman to go food.. but they eat dead fish.

Cloth factories in Bandung and Cimahi were constitute to exist the major toxic waster contributors to the river. Pollutionof the river also come up from the vast small-scale golden mining in the area that utilized mercury in the gold extraction process. Clogged with household waste material, toxic chemicals dumped by textile factories and dead animals, it has lost 60 per cent of its fish stocks.

At times, the water turns red, green, yellowish and blackness because of the high concentration of dyes. It has been linked with increased cancer rates, likewise every bit peel diseases, mental affliction and slow development among local children. In Indonesia, the cases of cancer and fatal infections are constantly increasing. May god and the regime assist brand the river better.

2E2 Fiona - Citarum River

The World'due south about polluted river

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Blacksmith Institute, a non-profit organisation based in New York, and Light-green Cantankerous, Switzerland, stated that the Citarum River Basin in Bandung, Due west Java, covers an area of approximately xiii,000. It is one of the ten virtually polluted rivers in the world in 2013. The river made information technology to the list considering of industrial waste and chemical pollution.

Blacksmith's report mentioned that more 500 thousand people are directly affected past the pollution at Citarum River. Meanwhile, more than five million people are indirectly affected because of the chemical pollutant thrown to the river and carried away by the stream. The river contains a level of lead, aluminum, manganese and iron that, on several occasions, are college than the average level. The source of pollution was originated from the industrial and domestic activities around the river.

2E2 Justin Leong and Marcus Chen - Haze in Singapore

Haze in Singapore
The haze in Singapore was affected past the forest fires in Republic of indonesia. The Indonesians set fire in the forest, to clear the country for plantation to be carried out. This fire has polluted the air with dust and smoke particle, this particle is transported by wind to Singapore. The burning continued, information technology lasted for a calendar month. Worsening the haze in Singapore every bit the conditions is dry out and hot.

There were wellness problems, these were effects of the haze in Singapore. Dust and fume causes difficulty in breathing also as irritations to peoples throats and eyes. When they are exposed to dust and smoke for a long fourth dimension, we can develop respiratory problems such every bit bronchitis and asthma.

At that place was too traffic hazards, which is also the effects of the haze in Singapore. This poses a inconvinece to people that are driving.

GekHui - Citarum River

A boy collect plastics from a polluted river in Jakarta. The Earth is literally covered in water, but more than a billion people lack access to clean water ... the river had been polluted for 20+ years. All the fishes had died, people have to brand money from collecting waste product from the river itself to make money..

sometimes, they tin find dead bodies  in the river too.

now its known as The World's Worst 2013: The Top Ten Toxic Threats, published on Monday, besides said that effectually 200 million people in the globe had been exposed to toxic pollution, which could pb to diverse wellness risks, including cancer. they go skin diseases from using these water, and that could lead to pare cancer.

Sheena Loo 2E2 - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

- The Trouble
The Exxon Valdez was carrying over 53 meg gallons of crude oil, when the tanker headed for Long Beach, California. Three hours afterwards, merely later midnight on March 24th, the Exxon Valdez ran into Bligh Reef, spilling 10.8 million gallons of oil.

- Causes of the pollution

Investigations say that the accident was an outcome of poor maneuvering. It was too constitute that the 3rd mate on duty was not given the mandatory 6 hours residue before the starting of his next 12 hr duty. Thus it is possible that stress and excessive workload might accept led to inefficient spotter-keeping by the 3rd mate. Moreover, though the ship was on autopilot, it was found that the radar was not working since the time ship left the Valdez Terminal. It was also claimed that the master of the transport was under the influence of booze and left the watch during maneuvering through critical areas. Thus information technology was proved that the Exxon Shipping Company could non provide an efficient and sufficient crew to the ship, which unfortunately led to the accident.

-Effects of the pollution

dead birds Approximately i,990 foursquare kilometers of shoreline was badly polluted. Nearly 2000 sea otters, 302 harbor seals, and 250,000 birds died in the days that followed the incident. Then, considering there was no solid plan with both the state and federal government dealing with such emergency state of affairs , the oil spill reached far-off places before whatsoever kind of response procedure tin can be started.

laxwaran - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

The earth"s worst oil spill accident was started on March 24,1989.Within hours the oil spilt was 11 million gallant of crude oil.This was a very large pollution to the earth.This pollution acquired many harmful effects on wildlife and line-fishing industries.Animals fought for their lives and had a real hard time,every bit they got sick and affected past this oil spillage.The spillage occured when the captain of the ship was drinking in the lower deck of the send.He was in an alcoholic situation,when he should non take been in that position.

Joan and Nanthini - Exxon Valdez Oil spill


The Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Occurred Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, WHEN Exxon Valdez , an oil Tanker jump for Long Embankment , California, struck Prince William Sound 'south Bligh Reef at twelve 4 am local time and Spilled 260,000 to 750,000 Barrels  of rough oil  over the Adjacent Few days. Information technology IS Considered to Be one of the MOST Devastating homo-Caused Environmental Disasters .  The Valdez spill WAS the Largest always in US Waters UNTIL the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill , in Terms of volume Released. Withal, Prince William Audio's remote location, accessible only past Helicopter, airplane, or Gunkhole, made ​​Government and Manufacture response Efforts Difficult and Severely Taxed existing Plans for response. The region IS a Habitat for salmon , Sea Otters , Seals and Seabirds . The oil, Originally Extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field , Eventually Covered i,300 Miles of Coastline,  and 11,000 Square Miles  of Body of water . Exxon's CEO, Lawrence Rawl , shaped the Company'south response

Effects of Oil Spills

i. Environmental Effects: . first of these is the Environmental event The Animal Life that lives in the H2o or near the Shore Are the ones Near afflicted by the spill In MOST Cases, the oil Simply Chokes the Animals to death That Others Live confront a number of other problems. The oil works its way into the fur and plumage of the animals. As a consequence, both birds and mammals find it harder to float in the water or regulate their torso temperatures.

two. Event on Economic system: The second major effect of the oil spill is seen on the economic system When precious crude oil or refined petroleum is lost, it effects the amount of petroleum and gas available for utilise This means more barrels have to be imported from other countries. Then comes the procedure of cleaning the oil spill, which requires a lot of financing. Although the visitor responsible for the oil spills and their effects has to clean information technology up, there is a lot of government aid required at this point.

Nurul , Agatha ( Brume in Singapore)

Haze in Singapore

The 2013 brume outbreak was ane of the virtually serious haze episodes to affect Singapore in the past 16 years. It was the start time that the PSI level reached the hazardous range, with the highest PSI reading of 401 recorded on 21 June 2013.  At the peak of the outbreak, the full general public was brash by the authorities to minimize outdoor activities and to wear N95 masks if they needed to appoint in outdoor activities.

Haze began to become worse in Singapore in 2013 due toForest fires in Sumatra, Republic of indonesia. Many farmers in Indonesia do shifting agriculture, which is a traditional farming method that involves immigration tracts of forested land for tillage using the slash-and burn method. This practice has intensified in recent decades as large-scale burning is carried out to set state for the planting of commercial crops such equally oil palm.

Due to the haze in Singapore we have to minimize outdoor activities and wear N95 masks when heading out. People got worried as Singapore is a busy land which adults go to work mostly everyday and students have to go school. The schools had to acquit Concrete Didactics indoors.

~Zul~ ~2E2~ ~Group 6~ Citarum River

Citarum named as World Most Polluted River

Citarum River of Java , Indonesia , has been named the world most polluted river. This has caused about five million of people living almost the river to suffer.

     The river is heavily polluted mainly by human activities equally at that place is nigh five million living at its basin. Textile factories  in Bandung and Cimahi were majortoxic waste contributors.  More than than ii,000 industries contaminate 5,020 sq miles of the river with lead , mercury , arsenic  and other toxin

      This bear upon about five million people to suffer from diseases from skin bug to diarrhea.  It also causes more than marine creatures to die from pollution which causes fishermen's pays to reduce alot.

Zedrick,Wayne,Agatha,Nurul Group iii - Haze in Singapore

Haze In Singapore

Haze In Singapore Reached The Highest Record Breaking Of 400 PSI.The Haze Was Cause Past Indonesia Clearing Their Forests For Plantations The Haze From The Forest Fires Were Carried By The Current of air To Singapore And Malaysia.Singapore was shrouded in a smoky-smelling haze on Monday every bit pollution from wood fires in Republic of indonesia'southward Sumatra island spread to neighbouring countries.

The Pollutant Standards Index reading at noon stood at 80, in the higher range of the "moderate" band, according to the National Environment Agency (NEA) website. Whatever reading to a higher place 100 is considered unhealthy.

The haze was visible at street level in Singapore'due south central business district but has then far not affected business or air transport. Singapore schools are on holiday.

People with center and lung affliction, those over 65 and children are advised to "reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion" fifty-fifty in moderate atmospheric condition.

"The hazy weather are expected to persist for the next few days," the NEA said.

Malaysia has also been affected by the recurring brume problem, which occurs in the dry season as a issue of forest fires in the sprawling Indonesian archipelago, some of them deliberately started to clear land for cultivation.

Brume reached unhealthy levels in Malaysia over the weekend.

On Monday, the Malaysian pollutant index showed unhealthy levels of between 102 and 121 in parts of the states of Pahang, Terengganu and Malacca.

In the capital Kuala Lumpur, the heaven remained hazy with a reading of 82.

Southeast Asia's haze trouble striking its worst level in 1997-1998, causing widespread health problems and costing the regional economy billions of dollars as a outcome of business and air transport disruptions.

Jenevieve (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska)

The National Transportation Safety Board investigated the blow and adamant that the probable causes were:

-The failure of the third mate to properly maneuver the vessel, perhaps due to fatigue and excessive workload

-The failure of the main to provide a proper navigation lookout, possibly due to impairment from alcohol

-The failure of Exxon Shipping Company to supervise the master and provide a rested and sufficient crew for theExxon Valdez

-The failure of the U.South. Coast Guard to provide an effective vessel traffic system

-The lack of effective pilot and escort services.

During the fourth dimension of blow, Exxon Valdez was carrying 200 1000000 liters of rough oil, out of which information technology spilled around 40 million liters into the sea. As a result, approximately 1,990 foursquare kilometers of shoreline was badly polluted.

Marine and wild lives were the hardest striking by the oil spill. Lives of millions of fishes almost came to a standstill. Some were killed by eating oil contaminated nutrient, while others were starved to expiry because of the spoiling of plankton and larva on which they were dependent.

Moreover, the thick layer of oil on the surface disrupted the whole marine life beneath it.

Crude oil from the tanker Exxon Valdez, top, swirls on the surface of Alaska's Prince William Sound near Naked Island Saturday, April 9, 1989, 16 days after the tanker ran aground, spilling millions of gallons of oil and causing widespread environmental damage.

Beaches and coastal lines were likewise greatly afflicted. The life style of the people of the region completely inverse. The fishing industry came to a sudden standstill. Many sea birds and animals were washed to the shore, some in dying condition and other already dead. Some of the species such every bit harbor seals, pink salmon, and sea otters were of a sudden invisible. In full, more than 20 types of birds and animals were affected by the oil spill, whose outcome is still observed today in many of them. They also spent well-nigh $2.1 billion on the cleanup effort.

Jun Hao & Bryant - Citarum River

The problem of h2o supply in  Indonesia is polluted by alot rubbish  thrown to the river by the people in that location,because of the lack of water they are using h2o that is polluted past bacteria, which would cause harm to their body when they utilise information technology.The water pollution cause the people living there don't have clean water for their daily use

Nicole, Wen Xuan, Lewis, Kim Hong - Air pollution in Mainland china

The brume state of affairs in Bejing is getting way out of manus.
Beijing smog is mainly caused past industrial pollution.
Main sources of pollutants include exhaust emission from Beijing's more than v 1000000 motor vehicles, coal called-for in neighbouring regions, dust storms from the north and local structure dust.

Beijing's smog mainly caused by industrial pollution

Health experts say that the current smog levels are non necessarily due to an increment in pollutant particles, more a lack of current of air  in dispersing the haze.
The Red china Daily said in that location are also  not plenty 'greenish areas' in the city  'to help soak up the fumes discharged past vehicles and industries'.

There has as well been rapid industrialisation  in Red china and a heavy reliance on coal power , which have both contributed to the trouble.

China pollution

Chinese scientists take warned that the land'southward toxic airpollution is now so bad that information technology resembles a nuclear winter, slowing photosynthesis in plants – and potentially wreaking havoc on the country's nutrient supply.

The worsening air pollution has already exacted a pregnant economic toll, grounding flights, closing highways and keeping tourists at abode. On Monday 11,200 people visited Beijing'southwardForbidden City, about a quarter of the site's average daily depict.

Danish - Citarum River

Citarum River Indonesia is the world most populated river.The causes of water pollution is improper disposal of sewage and oil spills.this sewage refer to solid waste which is produce by household or industries and are released to river or lakes before being treated hence water bodies get polluted because sewage contain human waste,detergent and chemicals.the waste produced by industries is especially harmful equally it contains toxic chemicals.In some countries it can be treated at sewage handling plants to remove the waste products.Another cause of h2o pollution is oil spills,it can occurs when the hull of an oil tanker is torn by sharp rocks,or if the tanker collides with another ship,causing the oil it is carrying to spill into the body of water.This cause of h2o pollution will cause people to not relish clean water,economical loss as oils spills threaten fishermen's livelihood equally well as the fishing industry.People may suffer from cholera and typhoid when they drink the water which is contaminated

Alfred - Air Pollution in Beijing

Dangerously muddy air which hits up to 755 PSI. Beijing residents are encourage to stay at habitation.

Chinese media say That Although some of the smog can be attributed to Wintryweather weather condition, the human contribution is i of the biggest Factors.

British expats in Beijing say although air pollution is 'nothing new' in the city, the most recent levels of smog have shocked even long-term residents.

Health experts say That the current smog levels are not Necessarily due to an Increment in pollutant particles, more than a fifty ack of wind in dispersing the haze
Having the haze not simply affect the vision merely the breathing of people in Beijing. Haze tin can be very dangerous and lethal.

Air pollution in Beijing, China ( Janani and Glenda.)


Levels of pollution have soared past the levels considered chancy by the World Health Organisation, every bit dumbo smog hangs over Beijing and thirty other cities in northern and eastern China.

Authorities have Introduced Anti-Pollution Policies and - ups pledged to Clean up the Environment but has not eased the problem.


Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska

T here was use of a Dispersant , a Surfactant  and Solvent  Mixture removing 113,400 liters of oil to i,134 liters of removable residual. Both the Long-Term and Short-Term Furnishings of the Oil spill have BEEN Studied.I ncluded the Deaths of Immediate Effects equally MANY as 100,000 to 250,000 Seabirds

Group 8: Exxon Valdez oil spill - [rui yong praveen]

Exxon Valdez oil spill

  • It is considered to exist ane of the most devastating human-caused ecology disasters . The Valdez  spill was the largest always in US waters.
  • The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and body of water birds.
  • The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field  eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline, and 11,000 foursquare miles (28,000 km 2 ) of body of water.
  • The amount of oil spilled could fill 125 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

      • As many as 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 900 bald eagles and 250,000 seabirds died in the days following the disaster.
      • one,300 miles of coastline were hitting by the oil spill.
      • ane,000 harlequin ducks were killed by the oil spill, in addition to many chronic injuries that occurred as a result of the long term furnishings of the spill.
      • The cleanup required about 10,000 workers, 1,000 boats and roughly 100 airplanes and helicopters.
      • Four deaths were straight associated with cleanup efforts.
      • The spill caused over $300 1000000 of economic impairment to more than 32 thousand people whose livelihoods depended on commercial fishing.
      • Tourism spending decreased by eight percent in south primal Alaska and past 35 pct in southwest Alaska in the yr after the spill.
      • There was a loss of 9,400 visitors and $5.5 meg in land spending.
      • Many fish populations were harmed during the spill. For instance, sand lance populations went down in 1989 and 1990, herring returns were significantly fewer in 1992 and 1994 and adult fish had high rates of viral infections.
      • Pinkish salmon embryos continued to exist harmed and killed past oil that remained on stones and gravel of stream banks through at least 1993. As a result, the southwestern part of Prince William Audio lost one.nine million or 28 percent of its potential stock of wild pink salmon. By 1992, this part of the sound still had 6 percent less of the wild pinkish salmon stock than was estimated to have existed if the spill had not occurred.
      • Two years following the Exxon Valdez spill, the economical losses to recreational line-fishing were estimated to be $31 million.
      • Twelve years afterwards the spill, oil could still be constitute on one-half of the 91 randomly selected beaches surveyed.
      • Three species of cormorant, the common loon, the harbor seal, the harlequin duck, the pacific herring and the dove guillemot still have non fully recovered.


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